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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Teveria, Kayaking, Meiron, and Tzfat

We began the day with an adventurous start- a picture scavenger hunt in Teveria. Given a list of random objects and people- including someone who looks like Chavsie or the oldest man ever seen. We used our creativity and were all guaranteed a great laugh!!! We were then off to kayaking at Kfar Blum. We sure met many interesting people; from the ones smoking hooka in the middle of the water to the British ones who were calling everyone gorgeous. Everyone returned sopping wet, having been cooled off by the waterfall and splashes from all directions. Time for a spiritual burst- we visited the holy Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's grave in Meiron to daven Mincha and had an uplifting time. Last stop- the artsy community of Tzfat- where we will be staying for an extended weekend. Our apartments on Rechov Ha'Ari are located right in the heart of the old city. We enjoyed a scrumptious barbecue to rev us up for a fun night ahead. At night we each had a blast drinking in the culture and running down the stone alleyways! Getting ready for an awesome Shabbos =)
Hadasa Rubin

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